cover image Ska-Tat!


Kimberley Knutson. MacMillan Publishing Company, $14.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-02-750846-8

Knutson's follow-up to last year's rain puddle romp, Muddigush , is another onomatopoeic tribute to play--this time in autumn leaves. On a crisp fall day three children rush out to watch the ``wind ballet'' of leaves catching on the ``shuddery air.'' Soon the adventure includes raking up and jumping into ``leaf mountains,'' followed by tossing, crunching and collecting the fallen foliage. Knutson's poetic phrasing is full of action and child-friendly imagery such as ``itchy-gold yellowness,'' and ``twig-snappy piles'' that ``crunch up a smell like spicy toast.'' Her cut-paper collages snap with bright colors and earthy browns set against a stark white background. The human figures exhibit a movement and energy difficult to achieve in this art medium. This exhilarating combination of words and images may well inspire children to take a tumble in their own backyards. Ages 3-6. (Oct.)