cover image Cold Feet: A Libby Kincaid Mystery

Cold Feet: A Libby Kincaid Mystery

Kerry Tucker. HarperCollins Publishers, $19 (231pp) ISBN 978-0-06-016530-7

Despite the tap dancers in its cast, this occasionally peppy mystery featuring Libby Kincaid, the New York City photographer introduced in Still Waters , ultimately falters from lack of focus. Libby's newest project is shooting a troupe of veteran tap dancers, the Nonpareils, who will be the first performers at the new club Eleuthera. After a successful opening night, Libby finds lead dancer Hank Monsell dead in his studio, poisoned by a snake bite. At the time of the killing Libby had been photographing another dancer, Silver Gaines, by day a herpetologist at the Bronx Zoo. After she and Silver are arrested for the murder, Libby, released on bail, determines to find the real killer. Complicating her life is the return of her father, who, after an eight-year absence, shows up with a new wife and a big lottery win. Moving between the family reunion and the murder, the plot becomes muddled, and a minor mystery--why Libby's new stepmother wanted to get married--dominates the ending. (Apr.)