cover image Plain Women: Gender and Ritual in the Old Order River Brethren

Plain Women: Gender and Ritual in the Old Order River Brethren

Margaret C. Reynolds. Pennsylvania State University Press, $40.95 (192pp) ISBN 978-0-271-02138-6

This fascinating book profiles one of the smallest and least studied of the Anabaptist sects: the Old Order River Brethren, who dress similarly to the Amish but selectively use computers, automobiles and other new technologies. The challenge for the Brethren, therefore, is to maintain a sense of separateness while adopting some elements of modern culture. Reynolds argues persuasively that women help preserve the group's identity by leading the Love Feast, a special communion service; maintaining their plain dress; and safeguarding their unique bread-making customs. Food and dress, she writes, ""do more than reflect values. They are essential to perpetuating those values."" Reynolds did not live to see the publication of this significant book; she died in 1999 at the age of 51. (Nov.)