cover image Secrets of the Royals

Secrets of the Royals

Gordon Winter. St. Martin's Press, $19.95 (363pp) ISBN 978-0-312-04415-2

Two Irish freelance journalists, whose professed aim is ``uncovering the nitty gritty about kings and queens,'' present a long line of royal rogues, villains and maladaptive types. Early on we meet the Georges, the English monarchs of German descent whose contributions to history are replete with sexual titillation. Selecting from a wealth of such material, variously documented, the authors assemble a gallery of self-indulgent aristocrats that includes present-day incumbents. Unfortunately, most of the copy about Diana, Fergie, their princely husbands and others in the royal compound is shopworn. For avid followers of royalty, the merit of this breezy, irreverent guide is its portmanteau format; others readers may be mildly interested in such items as royal toilet habits. (Sept.)