cover image Huysman's Pets

Huysman's Pets

Kate Wilhelm. Bluejay Books, $15.95 (247pp) ISBN 978-0-312-94219-9

Stanley Huysman was a Nobel laureate whose visionary theories of his later years, bridging biology and physics, came to be labeled crackpot ideas. The true genius of these experiments becomes clear only when Huysman's widow calls on Drew Lancaster to write the scientist's biography. As Drew deciphers the man's notes, to crack the code of government-funded projects and the secrecy of Huysman's unscrupulous assistant, Claude Dohemy, it is revealed that the great man actually achieved what he set out to do. By genetic manipulation, he induced telepathy in his subjects. But Dohemy is now holding those subjectschildrenprisoner, and it is only their extraordinary powers that free them. This lively thriller is made especially appealing by its instantly engaging characters and its deftly dovetailed plot. February