cover image Sir Cedric Rides Again

Sir Cedric Rides Again

Roy Gerrard. Sunburst, $15 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-374-36961-3

Sir Cedric, last seen in Sir Cedric, is still in the business of good and evil. He and Lady Matilda had been living fairly happily ever after with their prankish daughter, Edwina the Fair. Edwina delights in tormenting her devoted admirer, Hubert the Hopeless, until Sir Cedric tires of her mischief. He swoops them all off to vacation in Jerusalem, via Palestine. They've barely set foot in the country when first Edwina, and then Matilda, are captured by the infidel bandits of Abdul the Heavy (who has ""Fatima'' tattooed on his arm). Abdul plans to make Edwina his 23rd wife. Sir Cedric rushes to the rescue, but Hubert is the true knight errant. Exotic landscapes and intricate architectural details, combined with Gerrard's grand verse, bring the Middle Ages effectively to 20th century readers. Those who side with Sir Cedric will hail his latest adventure; others may find his views too absolute. (All ages)