cover image Parent's Guide to Asthma

Parent's Guide to Asthma

Nancy Sander. Doubleday Books, $17.95 (296pp) ISBN 978-0-385-24478-7

Sander, founder of the newsletter-linked network ``Mothers of Asthmatics,'' has drawn extensively on her own experience: her daughter (one of four children) has suffered from asthma and multiple allergies since birth. But this is not one of those all-too-common let-me-inspire-you works. While warmly supportive and including ring-true tales of both the author's and other articulate parents' trials, the guide also rests on solid medical ground. The mechanics of asthma are clearly and thoroughly explained, as are various tests, treatments and devices (e.g., nebulizers). As Sanders urges, good medical care is a must, and she offers priceless advice on finding and dealing with doctors. Most important, her book is home- and family-centered, offering practical pointers on matters ranging from allergy-proofing the home and juggling food-sensitivity-based menus to planning vacations and confronting sibling and classmate clashes. An extensive resource list includes literature (for both parents and kids), product sources (the text describes trial runs of three different ``allergy vacuums''), organizations and medical centers. Illustrations not seen by PW. (Apr.)