cover image Name Dropping

Name Dropping

Frank Milton. Dutton Books, $15.95 (128pp) ISBN 978-0-525-24368-7

Milton has had several careersacting, producing, antique dealingwhich have given him more than his share of brushes with celebrities. Here he assembles, in alphabetical order, the varied characters he has dined with, gotten soused with, lunched with in Barbados, New York City, London, the Riviera. In his preface, he professes not to like writing, whether postcards or books. Alas, it shows. And no matter that luminaries such as Noel Coward and John Gielgud ""glitter up'' these pages, Milton's anecdotes are rarely amusing. Occasionally, they are surprising and a teeny bit raunchy, but, because the writing is pedestrian, even the juicier stories fall flat. Perhaps it's time for Milton to leave yet another career behind him. November