cover image Get Your Child to the Top: How Do Children Succeed Today

Get Your Child to the Top: How Do Children Succeed Today

Megan Lisa Jones. Laerrn, $13.99 paper (261p) ISBN 978-0-615-76334-7

Jones is a concerned parent with a background in finance, not education%E2%80%94something she makes clear from the beginning of her book. However, she provides a comprehensive overview of the strategies and tactics that modern parents can use to address the subpar American educational system and give their children the ability to get ahead in a challenging global economy. She does this through a mixture of interviews with teenagers, an exploration of educational theories, and her own assessments as a parent. While Jones offers many opinions on educational achievement and success, her advice sometimes misses the mark. While some of her suggestions, e.g., drawing children into enriching activities at home and focusing on digital literacy, will be useful to most children, others will likely be helpful only to privileged children and impractical for low-income families.