cover image The Four Little Dragons

The Four Little Dragons

Brian Kelly. Simon & Schuster, $21.45 (432pp) ISBN 978-0-671-55748-5

Two buddies bumble around East Asia together and return to warn us against an economic onslaught of dragons. The adventurers are Kelly, editor of Regardie's , and London, a Washington, D.C., attorney. Their discovery of the industrializing countries of the Asian rimlands is a bit like a modern-day Spanish traveler who, on returning to Europe from a trip to New York, announces breathlessly that there's a new world across the Atlantic. Interesting, but years late. Despite the staleness of Kelly and London's news, their anecdotes vividly illuminate the tremendous drive to succeed that characterizes the Asians they write about and the authors' fear that complacent Americans are falling dangerously behind in the ongoing race to prosperity is almost palpable. (Oct.)