cover image RAID ON THE SUN: Inside Israel's Secret Campaign That Denied Saddam the Bomb

RAID ON THE SUN: Inside Israel's Secret Campaign That Denied Saddam the Bomb

Rodger William Claire, . . Broadway, $24.95 (288pp) ISBN 978-0-7679-1400-0

This gripping account of Operation Babylon, the Israelis' 1981 raid on the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak, is the first to draw on planners' and pilots' own memories. The raid was planned to follow a long campaign of espionage, sabotage and outright assassination by the Mossad, which had failed to prevent the French-built reactor from being about ready to produce weapons-grade plutonium in the summer of 1981. Then the Israeli air force, taking its new F-16s on their first combat mission and one far beyond their designed performance, struck, obliterating the reactor with no losses, few misses and only one civilian casualty. Tactics, technology and weapons are all presented in a clear manner that does not slow the pace. L.A.-based journalist Claire's group portrait of the eight superlatively skilled and trained pilots includes Zeev Raz, the squadron leader and now a general; the ace, Iftach Spector, who missed his target because he suffered a blackout induced by the flu; and Ilan Ramon, who became Israel's first astronaut and was lost on the Columbia .The final result reads like a techno-thriller that is difficult to put down once the mission gets airborne. (On sale Apr. 13)