cover image How Can I Get Through to You?: Breakthrough Communication Beyond Gender, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Dece Ption

How Can I Get Through to You?: Breakthrough Communication Beyond Gender, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Dece Ption

D. Glenn Foster. Hyperion Books, $28.95 (272pp) ISBN 978-0-7868-6018-0

Former police officer Foster is now an interview consultant for the FBI, the U.S. State Department and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Here, writing with attorney Marshall, he presents the ``Foster Method,'' his innovative technique for effective communication. Through practice of the ``3 R's'' (read, respond, reciprocate), the authors show how to recognize four personality types--Feeler, Driver, Analyzer and Elitist--and how to ``get through'' to each. Also included is interesting--and sometimes frightening--information on reading physical cues. For example, claim the authors, someone with ``three whites of the eyes'' is almost always suffering from great stress; and, as with Pinocchio, rubbing or pulling the nose is a signal of dishonesty. Some will find this neat pigeonholing of people into four, basically negative ``types'' to be based on a grim view of humanity that does not allow for individual differences. First serial rights to Good Housekeeping; author tour. (June)