cover image Travels with Cole Porter

Travels with Cole Porter

Jean Howard. ABRAMS, $39.95 (216pp) ISBN 978-0-8109-3408-5

Fans of the legendary composer (1891-1964) will pore over the 300 black-and-white photographs and brief accompanying reminiscences by former showgirl and author Howard ( Jean Howard's Hollywood ). Howard joined Porter and other friends on two luxurious trips in the mid-'50s. No matter where Porter went--the south of France, the Greek islands, Switzerland or Egypt--he traveled in grand style. Often sailing on the yacht Eros , owned by Greek shipping magnate Stavros Niarchos, when on land Porter frequently rented private railroad cars for long trips. For such shorter jaunts as the commute from his suite at the Waldorf Towers to his Massachusetts country home, or spins around Palermo and Monte Carlo, he used his chauffeured Cadillac limousine. An accomplished photographer, Howard further enlivens her account with excerpts from Porter's diaries. ( Nov. )