cover image I Love You Too

I Love You Too

Woodrow Wirsig. M. Evans and Company, $18.95 (248pp) ISBN 978-0-87131-616-5

This wrenching but stubbornly optimistic record of a couple's 13-year struggle against freelancer Wirsig's wife's double-headed curse--Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases--centers on the bitter fight waged by her husband, a consumer affairs executive, to obtain permission from the Federal Drug Administration for Jane's participation in treatment with the experimental drug THA. An exemplary love story thus alternates with eloquent diatribes against what the author considers the obstructionist FDA bureaucracy. Although Wirsig cared for his wife until his own heart attack forced her institutionalization, his account is not intended as a ``how-to'' book on tending the disabled, but rather as a tribute to his partner of 45 years--who was an executive and writer as well as a devoted wife and mother. (June)