cover image My Inappropriate Life

My Inappropriate Life

Heather McDonald. Simon and Schuster, $24.99 (256p) ISBN 978-1-4516-7222-0

The US Weekly tagline %E2%80%93 Stars, they're just like us %E2%80%93 applies to comedian and Chelsea Lately writer/performer McDonald, a working mom who stresses about the well being of her kids, but also happens to hang out at the Playboy Mansion and with the Kardashians. It's a duality she writes about breezily, making light-hearted fun of her cheap husband and, in no small amount, herself. She loves her chardonnay, is obsessed with The Bachelor to the point of fantasizing about her sons as contestants, and isn't offended when a Twitter follower meanly compares her likeness to the puppet in Saw. She's pleased to at least she resemble a character in a successful franchise. Despite her showbiz day job and deep love of celebrities of any grade, McDonald is still a bit of an anomaly in Hollywood. A practicing Catholic, she attends church semi-regularly and her children go to Catholic school. She has been happily married to the same man for over a decade and willingly moved next door to her parents (granted, they have a pool and Jacuzzi). She also loves her boss, Chelsea Handler, who comes off as a mixed bag: kind of mean and hung over a lot, but hardworking and generous. Although McDonald's exploits will no doubt entertain the show's fans, her honesty, comedic skills and everyday home life make her instantly likable and relatable. (Feb.)