cover image Smitten: The Way of the Brilliant Flirt

Smitten: The Way of the Brilliant Flirt

Ariel Kiley and Simone Kornfeld. Chronicle, $18.95 (168p) ISBN 978-1-4521-1675-4

Kiley and Kornfeld have lost their way. The duo begin by relating their failed undergraduate romances before explaining how 9/11 sent them on individual, yet intertwined, spiritual quests. But then they wanted to have fun again, so they got back into the dating life while committing to do whatever “felt truest.” From there, Kiley, a yoga teacher, and Kornfeld, a psychotherapist, guide readers through a flowery blend of self-help and dating advice. The first section deals primarily with the former, while the second outlines “8 Earth-Shattering Flirtation Techniques.” Like the unrelentingly purple prose (“You needn’t be born of sea foam or prompt flowers to bloom at your feet as you stroll toward Cyprus to successfully embody this entrancing technique”), these tips are often manically over-the-top. Technique #2 recommends being enthusiastic; as an example, they offer their fruits de mer–loving friend’s take on an oyster-eating date: “With my eyes closed, my shoulders did a little shake, and my hands and fingers shimmied up my body, over my head, and back down to finally rest on the table.” Hopeless romantics trying to find their ideal dating selves might do better to visit Kiley and Kornfeld in their professional capacities. Agent: Brianne Johnson and Michele Rubin, Writers House. (June)