cover image Law Made Fun Through Harry Potter's Adventures

Law Made Fun Through Harry Potter's Adventures

Karen Morris and Bradley S. Carroll. CreateSpace (, $12.99 paper (268p) ISBN 978-1-4611-5723-6

Morris and Carroll's book provides an entertaining introduction to the American legal system as viewed through the lens of the Harry Potter series.%C2%A0The authors cite various events from J.K. Rowling's popular books and explain how those incidents would play out in the Muggle world of law and order. Readers learn that the Dursleys, who took in the orphaned Harry when he was a baby, were guilty of neglect and, arguably, abuse for mistreating their ward. Additionally, Uncle Vernon Dursley also commits mail fraud when he interferes with the letters sent to inform Harry of his admission to Hogwarts. Since much of Rowling's series takes place at Hogwarts, a section of the book explains the laws that govern schools and protect students' rights, including legislation against bullying that would have protected Harry from the harassment he suffered from Draco Malfoy and his friends. This book is a must for readers of all ages who love Harry Potter and have an interest in learning more about the legal system.