cover image Falling in Love with Joseph Smith: My Search for the Real Prophet

Falling in Love with Joseph Smith: My Search for the Real Prophet

Jane Barnes. Tarcher, $25.95 (288p) ISBN 978-1-58542-925-7

This quirky, absorbing memoir by documentary film writer Barnes presents one answer to what historian Jan Shipps has called “the prophet puzzle”—was Mormon founder Joseph Smith a fraud or a religious genius? Called of God or driven by libido and ambition? Barnes began investigating Mormonism seriously for the 2007 PBS series The Mormons and was amazed to experience a dramatic road-to-Damascus call that seemed to lead her to embrace the religion herself. Although she never did officially convert, being put off by the LDS Church’s stance on gay marriage and not quite understanding its emphasis on the atonement of Christ, she retains a deep kinship with Joseph Smith, whom she sees as a soul mate. Barnes brings a sympathetic outsider’s eyes to a misunderstood religion and the man who founded it. She sees divine inspiration in the Book of Mormon, for example, but also concedes that Smith told lies—especially about polygamy—and probably fabricated some of his later revelations. This is a balanced and intensely personal biography of Smith, as well as an arresting memoir of a spiritual seeker. (Aug. 16)