cover image 11:11 the Time Prompt Phenomenon: The Meaning Behind Mysterious Signs, Sequences, and Synchronicities

11:11 the Time Prompt Phenomenon: The Meaning Behind Mysterious Signs, Sequences, and Synchronicities

Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman. New Page Books, $15.99 (255pp) ISBN 978-1-60163-047-6

Author Jones (Supervolcano, 2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning?) and paranormal researcher Flaxman address the ""cosmic significance"" of specific codes, patterns and numbers-in particular recurring numbers like the ""time prompt"" 11:11-that call attention to a ""separate level of awareness, consciousness, or reality."" Jones and Flaxman comb facts and statistics for enticing examples; a long list attached to 9/11 includes the facts that the first plane to strike the towers was Flight 11; New York is the 11 th state; and Bin Laden's birthplace, Saudi Arabia, has 11 letters. They also look at ""magical"" numbers and curiosities in math, science and religion. (Pi, Apery's Constant, the Hebrew Kaballah, etc.) Jones and Flaxman are rational investigators with a game attitude and a willingness to believe; to be fair, they also look to human psychology (the tendency toward pattern-seeking) and ""laws"" (like the Law of Truly Large Numbers) that indicate ""each of us should be experiencing some strange, coincidental events... even potentially miraculous, every single day."" Whether readers will come to believe that numbers are ""as paranormal as ghosts or UFOs"" will largely depend on their attitude toward those two subjects; nevertheless, the authors' case makes an entertaining numerical romp.