cover image The Zero-Waste Lifestyle: How to Live Well by Throwing Away Less

The Zero-Waste Lifestyle: How to Live Well by Throwing Away Less

Amy Korst. Ten Speed, $14.99 paper (272 p) ISBN 978-1-60774-348-4

Korst, a pioneer-minded young blogger whose "Green Garbage Project" allowed her to fit an entire year's garbage into a single shoebox, shares her ways with readers eager to make less of an impact on the earth. Her tips range from homemade toothpaste and deodorant recipes, to straightforward lists of single-serve and disposable products one can easily go without, to a waste audit strategy, shopping checklist, and complete recycling system. The book is a reminder of our problematic consumption and consumerism habits and contains some fantastic self-interventions. Each chapter is followed by an overview of tasks one can do to meet the goals outlined in the chapter. Korst's tips will save lots and lots of money, and this is a principle many will be able to get behind as much as the "green" aspect. While her recipes are simple, and by no means unique to these pages, their value lies in the inspiration of freeing oneself from plastic bottles and containers. Korst may suggest seemingly wild ideas like growing your own loofah sponges and composting used condoms in a homemade worm bin, but she also demonstrates ingenuity and creativity in sharing many very simple ways we can all help save the earth. (Jan)