Banned Books Week's Virtual Read-Out event, where individuals across the country and world read from his or her favorite banned or challenged book, will serve as the backdrop for the announcement of Banned Books Week Heroes. Figures or groups identified as "standing up for intellectual freedom" will be chosen by sponsors of Banned Books Week, which takes place this year from Sept 22 - 28.

More than 1,500 videos have been submitted since the read-out began in 2011, including submissions from authors like Sherman Alexie and Khaled Hosseini. Bookstores and libraries will also be participating.

“We are very excited about this year’s Banned Books Week," said Christopher Finan, president, American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, a sponsor of Banned Books Week. "Booksellers responded enthusiastically to the Banned Books Week in a Box promotion that was co-sponsored by the Ingram Content Group and ABFFE, including stores that have never participated before."

In addition, for for the first time, Twitter parties will help promote the message of Banned Books Week. The first party will be held on Monday, Sept 23, and a second party is scheduled for Sept 25, with supporters tweeting using the hashtag #bannedbooksweek.