The bestselling spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, whose The Power of Now, originally published by a small house in Vancouver, B.C., later became a major seller for New World Library, has signed for a new book with Dutton and Plume in hard- and softcover. The world English rights deal was made with William Gladstone of Waterside Productions, on behalf of the author and Connie Kellough, who first discovered Tolle's work and published him at her little Namaste Press six years ago. The new book, untitled, will draw on a range of spiritual teachings to offer a model spiritual life for the new century; it will be jointly published by Dutton and Namaste, with Dutton editorial director Brian Tart as its editor at the large house. The Power of Now was boosted by Oprah Winfrey's choice of it last year as one of two books she recommended for holiday gift-giving. Another Tolle title, Stillness Speaks, is on the way.