57.3: Percentage of review editors who believe it is ethical to assign a review to an author acquaintance.

34.4: Percentage of review editors who believe it is acceptable for a reviewer to back out of writing a review to avoid negative criticism of a book.

34.4: Percentage of review editors who believe it is unacceptable for a reviewer to back out of writing a review to avoid negative criticism of a book.

75.4: Percentage of review editors who believe it is unacceptable for a reviewer to back out of writing a review to avoid negative criticism of a book, in 1987 NBCC survey.

38.1: Percentage of review editors who believe it is acceptable to assign a review to an author who has the same agent as the author they are reviewing.

70.7: Percentage of review editors who believe it is acceptable to assign a review to an author who has the same agent as the author they are reviewing, in 1987 survey.

51.6: Percentage of review editors who believe it is acceptable to link a review to a site that sells books.

60.5: Percentage of review editors who believe it is acceptable to ignore self-published titles.

Source: NBCC Ethics of Book Reviewing survey.