Creatures of the Rock: A Veterinarian's Adventures in Newfoundland
Andrew Peacock. Doubleday Canada, $32.95 (304p) ISBN 978-0-385-68259-6
Peacock's memoir of his veterinary career in Newfoundland includes the expected inoculations, breached births and gusty weather but also a whole lot of hilarity, colorful characters and amateur hockey matches. Born and raised in Ontario, Peacock was hired straight out of vet school by the Newfoundland government on the condition that he stay for two years. He never left. Readers are treated to stories from his school interview all the way to his acceptance as a real Newfoundlander and each story is poignant and well-told. Despite much of the content being foreign to the average reader, such as cutting open a bloated cow or dealing with clients who speak a very particular and oftentimes barely comprehensible form of English, the book is eminently relatable. There's the loyal secretary, the adopted grandmother and the guy who thinks every good idea was his. There's black ice, good meals and unexpected friends. There's birth, illness and death; embarrassment, heartache, and triumph. Some of the medical descriptions can get gory, but this is an authentic look at a big animal practice. Newfoundland language, culture and geography feature prominently. Joining Peacock in his vet truck is a rollicking adventure. Agent: Robert Mackwood. (Nov.)
Reviewed on: 12/15/2014
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 160 pages - 978-0-385-68260-2
Paperback - 320 pages - 978-0-385-68261-9