The 30-Second Body: Eat Clean. Train Dirty. Live Hard
Adam Rosante. Ballantine, $17 (192p) ISBN 978-0-8041-7920-1
Celebrity fitness expert and personal trainer Rosante is the first to admit that no one gets an amazing body just by reading his book. However, those who choose to follow his path will certainly get a running start. Eschewing fancy equipment and expensive dietary supplements in favor of old-fashioned sweat and commitment, Rosante patiently shares a litany of exercises (almost all of which can be performed at home) designed to tone and firm. The bulk of the book consists of clear photographs of simple exercises such as push-ups, planks, squats, and mountain climbers, presented with sample workout plans that add variety and can be geared to different fitness levels. If readers also heed the book’s sensible approach to nutrition, they’ll likely see results. What sets Rosante apart from other fitness writers is his tone, which, while inspirational, is also firmly rooted in reality. He encourages creating a low-cost, sensible, and challenging exercise regimen that can be continually adapted. This demystification makes for an engaging and useful guide. [em]Agent: Joy Tutela, David Black Agency. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 12/01/2014
Genre: Nonfiction