cover image Witch of Wild Things

Witch of Wild Things

Raquel Vasquez Gilliland. Berkley, $17 trade paper (336p) ISBN 978-0-593-54857-8

Gilliland (How Moon Fuentez Fell in Love with the Universe) mixes magical realism, sisterhood, and, of course, love into a sparkling romance that will sweep readers off their feet. Eight years after the death of Sky Flores sent her guilt-stricken older sister, Sage, running from their witchy family, Sage reluctantly returns home to Cranberry, Va., to face those she left behind. As she works to mend fences with her youngest sister, her magical ability to communicate with plants lands her a job with the local nursery, where she works side by side with Tennessee “Tenn” Reyes, her first love. Tenn and Sage were digital pen pals as teenagers, but Tenn ended that relationship before it really became serious, and he doesn’t realize that Sage and silvergirl0917 are one and the same. Though Sage tries to protect her heart by keeping her distance, Tenn’s flirting is hard to ignore. Their rekindling romance is a delight to witness while the sister story line adds heft and heart. Fans of Like Water for Chocolate and Practical Magic will be enthralled.Agent: Elizabeth Bewley, Sterling Lord Literistic. (Sept.)