cover image Darkhearts


James L. Sutter. Wednesday, $20 (336p) ISBN 978-1-250-86974-6

Sparks fly when former bandmates reconnect following the death of a mutual friend in this ebullient romance by Sutter (Pathfinder Adventure Path). Seventeen-year-old David Holcomb, who reads as white, and mega-famous pop star Chance Ng, who’s Korean American, haven’t spoken since David’s departure from the band years ago. When bandmate Elijah dies of alcohol poisoning, prompting Chance’s return to Seattle, David initially bristles at Chance’s reappearance. He intends to pursue carpentry following high school graduation, but as he and Chance begin spending more time together, David is reminded of his passion for music. Despite having never been attracted to guys before, David pursues Chance, leading to a secret relationship that Chance’s manager worries could damage Chance’s career. As pressure mounts for Chance to return to touring, David offers to rejoin the band, but mixed signals from Chance and increased media scrutiny around their relationship cause David to doubt that he has what it takes to handle the stress of fame. After an intensely emotional opening scene depicting Elijah’s funeral somewhat abruptly gives way to humorous dialogue and steamy romance, vibrant supporting characters, sex-positive messaging, and complex ruminations on sexuality propel this heartfelt read. Ages 14–up. Agent: Josh Adams, Adams Literary. (June)