cover image The Holy Wild Grimoire: A Heathen Handbook of Magick, Spells, and Verses

The Holy Wild Grimoire: A Heathen Handbook of Magick, Spells, and Verses

Danielle Dulsky. New World Library, $18.95 trade paper (208p) ISBN 978-1-60868-800-5

This spellbinding guide by witch Dulsky (Sacred Hags Oracle) provides heathen magical techniques for transforming one’s relationship with nature. The author shares ceremonies, spells, incantations, and verses related to the “five elements”—air, earth, ether (“the space between”), fire, and water—to help readers commune with the “Holy Wild,” or “the unburnable essence, the primordial chaos of infinite potential taking form and dissolving” in the universe. For example, a spell for making an offering to the Earth asks readers to envision a bright future for the world while holding an apple in one’s hands and then burying it. Instructions to “welcome the spirit” of each element include journaling about a secret while visualizing oneself “bathing alone in natural waters,” and imagining that a memory about fire had instead happened to one’s ancestor. The wide array of magic practices makes for a bountiful compendium, though the prose can be nebulous and verbose (“Permit your memories to be an oracle now, and try to name ten more moments... when a sunrise was your god or a laughing circle of friends was your ceremony”). Still, those who can’t get enough of witchcraft will appreciate this handy volume. (Sept.)