cover image The Shed that Fed a Million Children: The Extraordinary Story of Mary’s Meals

The Shed that Fed a Million Children: The Extraordinary Story of Mary’s Meals

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow. William Collins, $21.99 (320p) ISBN 978-0-00-813270-5

This is an inspiring if disordered account of the creation of international humanitarian organization Mary’s Meals from the perspective of its founder. MacFarlane-Barrow takes readers from the group’s headquarters—i.e., his parents’ shed in Scotland—to the countries, including Malawi, Kenya, and Haiti, where it has provided aid to thousands of children. The nondenominational Christian charity works aims to give children one meal a day in their place of education, thus providing two developmental necessities simultaneously. The program has seen great success in the participating towns and schools, where student attendance has increased significantly. The story MacFarlane-Barrow tells is one of dedication, hope, and a bit of luck. In many ways it reads as his memoir, especially since the organization’s creation was a personal endeavor, involving many members of his immediate family as well as a worldwide community. The narrative is not particularly well organized, jumping too rapidly among different time periods and countries, but the overall message remains inspiring and heartfelt. Agent: Sonia Land, Sheil Land Associates. (May)