cover image Teddy Mars: Almost a World Record Breaker

Teddy Mars: Almost a World Record Breaker

Molly B. Burnham, illus. by Trevor Spencer. HarperCollins/Tegen, $16.99 (224p) ISBN 978-0-06-227810-4

Fourth-grader Teddy Mars shares moments from his hopeful but often disappointing life in Burnham’s highly entertaining debut. Much of Teddy’s life revolves around four elements: his four-year-old brother, Jake (“The Destructor”), who is constantly ruining things for him; his quest to hold a world record (in anything); his admiration for pigeons; and his obsession with Star Wars. When Teddy’s birthday doesn’t turn out quite as expected, he decides to ditch his six siblings, each with quirks he can live without, and move into a backyard tent. An older neighbor, dubbed “Grumpy Pigeon Man,” suddenly takes an interest in Teddy and offers him a job caring for the pigeons he keeps. A heartwarming friendship blossoms between the two unlikely companions as Teddy learns that wisdom and affection are not ruled by age. Delightfully rambunctious b&w sketches (not all seen by PW) elevate the comedy, while Teddy’s hard-nosed perseverance (attempting the largest leaf pile, stretching the most rubber bands over his face, etc.), with the aid of friends new and old, takes world record–making to hilarious new heights. Ages 8–12. Author’s agent: Tina Wexler, ICM. (Mar.)