cover image The Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream Cookbook

The Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream Cookbook

Laura O’Neill, Ben Van Leeuwen, and Peter Van Leeuwen, with Olga Massov. Ecco, $29.99 (256p) ISBN 978-0-06-232958-5

In this cookbook, the founders of Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream chart their course from a humble pair of food trucks to a thriving business with several stores on both coasts. The secret to their success? Really good ice cream—classic flavors your grandmother would recognize—simply made with no additives and the best ingredients possible. In 76 recipes, the authors lay out the blueprints for their frozen treats, including a detailed formula for custard that illuminates the science of ice cream making—a building block for all of the recipes to follow. Their flavors run the gamut: quintessential comforts (milk chocolate, mint chip), modern classics (Earl Grey tea), and global creations that may one day be part of the ice cream pantheon (sticky black rice, kaffir lime leaf). The Van Leeuwens also have an outrageous amount of fun swirling in nuts, cookies, and fruit for some truly delectable combinations: orange blossom water ice cream with pistachio shortbread; curried nuts with salted caramel swirl ice cream. The dairy-free need not fret, for the book features ice cream made with cashew milk (peanut butter chocolate), as well as a fresh take on fruit ices (lime, ginger and lemongrass sorbet; watermelon granita). (June)