cover image Her Brilliant Career: Ten Extraordinary Women of the Fifties

Her Brilliant Career: Ten Extraordinary Women of the Fifties

Rachel Cooke. Harper, $26.99 (368p) ISBN 978-0-06-233386-5

Acclaimed journalist Cook’s first book is an extensively researched narrative of the lives of 10 remarkable women who managed successful careers in 1950s Britain. The author works in details of their careers in fields such as gardening, cooking, archaeology, architecture, filmmaking, and law, as well as all their setbacks and triumphs. She also tackles her subjects’ private lives head on—from romance and motherhood to love triangles, affairs, and heartbreak. While the book provides a full sense of their cultural milieux at the time, including the social circles they travelled in, current events, and contemporaries in their fields. The excessive amount of detail, however, often becomes distracting: is there really a need for commentary on the state of a lawyer’s mascara? Unnecessary descriptions of the lives of people with whom these women had only a passing acquaintance are also frequent. Overall this book provides a thorough picture of these women’s lives, but their characters are drowned by the flood of detail. B&w photos. Agent: Peter Straus, (U.K.). (Dec.)