cover image The Bad Bitch Business Bible: 10 Commandments to Break Free of Good Girl Brainwashing and Take Charge of Your Body, Boundaries, and Bank Account

The Bad Bitch Business Bible: 10 Commandments to Break Free of Good Girl Brainwashing and Take Charge of Your Body, Boundaries, and Bank Account

Lisa Carmen Wang. Harper Business, $32 (240p) ISBN 978-0-06-320899-5

“Being a Bad Bitch isn’t a destination, it’s a way of life,” writes executive coach Wang in her spirited if simplistic debut. She outlines 10 principles to help women entrepreneurs succeed professionally, imparting advice on standing up for oneself (“Commandment 3: A Bad Bitch asserts her voice”), choosing the right colleagues (“A Bad Bitch curates her crew”), and building wealth (“A Bad Bitch invests her assets”). Client stories illustrate the advice, as when Wang emphasizes the importance of demonstrating self-assurance to potential investors and recounts counseling a shy nonprofit director to project confidence through “good posture, strong eye contact,” and walking with long strides. The author also provides advice on starting a business, offering useful data readers can present to investors on the benefits of funding women-led ventures (“Female leadership teams outperform male-only leadership teams, delivering more than 2x revenue per dollar invested”). Unfortunately, discussions of how to “access your own unique superpowers” and “speak your truth” are too trite to be helpful, and the focus on uplifting readers (“You can become the Bad Bitch you were born to be”) crowds out the scant practical guidance. Readers will wish for more to chew on. (Sept.)