cover image Steve Kerr: A Life

Steve Kerr: A Life

Scott Howard-Cooper. Morrow, $28.99 (320p) ISBN 978-0-063-00127-5

In this thrilling biography, journalist Howard-Cooper (Tim Duncan) looks back at the trophy-laden career of player-turned-coach Steve Kerr. Written with an emphasis on Kerr’s charismatic personality, the narrative follows him from his days as a UCLA ball boy to becoming one of the most successful basketball coaches in history, having led the Golden State Warriors to three titles (in addition to the five he won as a player). Along the way, Kerr overcame severe challenges, most notably the assassination of his father, a high-profile academic, in Beirut in 1984, when Kerr was in college. While the tragedy rocked Kerr’s life, it didn’t stifle his fun-loving spirit, or his passion for basketball. Howard-Cooper documents how Kerr went from a lowly reserve to team leader for the University of Arizona Wildcats and helped them reach the NCAA Final Four, and later joined the Phoenix Suns before beginning a successful stint with the Chicago Bulls in 1993. Though his work as a TV commentator are touched on, his time with the Bulls makes for the most exciting passages, from his first season as a champion (during which he partying with Dennis Rodman) to an evocative detailing of his “slightly flawed” game-winning shot in the 1998 finals. Casual fans and hoops nuts alike will love this illuminating work. Agent: Tim Hays, Tim Hays Media. (June)