cover image Only for a Little While

Only for a Little While

Gabriela Orozco Belt, illus. by Richy Sánchez Ayala. HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, $19.99 (32p) ISBN 978-0-0632-0663-2

When Papi’s job loss results in Maribel’s family moving to Tía Carmen’s, knowing it’s “por un ratito”—for a little while—helps Maribel face change in this warmhearted debut from Orozco Belt. As the family packs, Maribel reflects on good moments experienced during other temporary situations: the “yummy comidas” Tío Hector cooked when staying with the family after his house flooded; the way Papi provided entertainment when Maribel’s arm was in a cast (“putting on a luchador mask and wrestling with the couch cushions”); and the stories and treats that Abuelito and Abuelita share when they visit from Costa Rica. Though living at their relatives’ bustling home isn’t easy, having cousins around means that there’s always a playmate, and Papi and Tía tell stories about their upbringing in Mexico. Sánchez Ayala’s saturated, domestic-leaning digital illustrations emphasize this optimistic perspective, centering fond moments and hopes for the family’s future. Ages 4–8. (June)