cover image THE STANDING DEAD: Book Two of the Stone Dance of the Chameleon

THE STANDING DEAD: Book Two of the Stone Dance of the Chameleon

Ricardo Pinto, . . Tor, $27.95 (560pp) ISBN 978-0-312-87209-0

In this rousing sequel to Pinto's debut fantasy, The Chosen (2000), Carnelian, the son of He-who-goes-before, and Osidian, the new God Emperor elect, leave the safety of Osrakum only to fall into the hands of plainsmen raiders. When Carnelian helps the plainsmen evade capture, he wins sanctuary for both himself and the by-now-catatonic Osidian. They journey to the tribe's home in the Earthsky, where Carnelian soon finds himself enjoying life. Osidian, however, burns with desire to return to Osrakum and wreak vengeance on his enemies. When Osidian finally rouses himself to act, the novel shifts from a simple paean to the "noble savage" to a symphony of horror that builds steadily to a soul-shattering crescendo. Carnelian's love—for Osidian, for his adoptive family generally—leads him into trouble time after time. Indeed, the weakness of love is a major theme here, one sure to resonate with established fans and newcomers alike. Agent, Victoria Hobbs. (Mar. 26)