cover image The Horse: The Epic History of Our Noble Companion

The Horse: The Epic History of Our Noble Companion

Wendy Williams. FSG/Scientific American, $26 (320p) ISBN 978-0-374-22440-0

Journalist Williams (Kraken), a lifelong equestrienne, intertwines her personal experience with horses with a history of these noble animals and their changing relationship with people. Gone are the days of relying on them implicitly for transportation, farming, battlefield warfare, and hauling, yet human fascination with horses remains strong. From the discovery of well-preserved eurohippus fossils to the modern day’s equus, Williams documents the evolution of the horse. She examines the most early equine/human interaction, famous horses throughout history, and the international intrigue surrounding them. Williams’s book educates, entertains, and enthralls; it’s part scientific discovery, part social commentary, and part history lesson, while always focusing on the relationship between horses and humans. This accessible profile of equines through the ages pays homage to an animal that had a crucial role in the modernization of the world. (Oct.)