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Joe Bob Briggs. Delacorte Press, $9.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-385-29671-7

For the most part, Briggs (Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In) rambles on unchecked here in an insane, offensive flow that ranges from the ridiculous to the absurd. He picks on Mexicans (``you wake up one day and find out you're a Meskin yourself and you know what? You don't wanna change your shirt anymore''), ``the Frenchies,'' Mel Torme, blacks (he describes ``a resettlement camp for Negro tap-dancing families''), Shirley MacLaine and, particularly, the Women's Movement. He pens country songs (``The Ballad of the Death Row Vegetarian'' and ``You Said You Were a Virgin, but Your Baby Ain't Named Jesus''), and a story line that is desultory and vague (``The reason I'm gonna do that is that Life never stays on the subject''). The plot involves the romance of Joe Bob and Joyce Karnes (aka Jose) who meet when Joe Bob and his best friend Rhett Beavers start America's ``first titty bar.'' They marry, she splits, he tries to find her and, in the process, fractures the English language and all vestiges of good taste. Joe Bob's philosophy is best summed up by Joe Bob himself: ``Blessed are the poor and the ones that know how to turn bullshit intoa free meal.'' Briggs, who is actually John Bloom, hosts The Movie Channel