cover image Mademoiselle Revolution

Mademoiselle Revolution

Zoe Sivak. Berkley, $27 (432p) ISBN 978-0-593-33603-8

Sivak’s resonant debut features a woman trapped between two worlds during the Haitian and French revolutions. Sylvie de Rosiers, 18, has lived with her father’s family in the French colony of Saint-Domingue since her enslaved mother died in childbirth. Though her father has accepted her as his only daughter and ensured she was well educated, Sylvie knows she will never be fully accepted in society. Her hopes for marriage to a biracial man are diminished when she flees the island for Paris during the slave revolt that leads to independence. The undercurrent of rebellion resonates throughout France as Sylvie is drawn to Maximilien Robespierre and his quest for equality. As Sylvie discovers acceptance in Max’s circle, which includes his mistress, Cornélie Duplay, she and Cornélie explore their mutual attraction in secret. Sylvie becomes immersed in her role as a revolutionary, working with Max’s brother, Augustin, for the Robespierres’ cause. But as the revolution rages on, no one seems immune from the guillotine, leaving Sylvie to fear for her safety and that of her friends. Sivak expertly depicts Sylvie’s growing consciousness of the oppressed and of the revolution’s contradictions. Readers will be hooked. Agent: Amy Bishop, Dystal, Goderich, and Bourret. (Aug.)