cover image The Thrifty Baker: Shop, Bake, and Eat on a Budget

The Thrifty Baker: Shop, Bake, and Eat on a Budget

Hermine Dossou. White Lion, $26 (176p) ISBN 978-0-7112-8748-8

“Baking need not be expensive,” pronounces Great British Bake Off semifinalist Dossou in her slim but satisfying debut. Indeed, she claims the baked goods here top out at 65¢ per serving, with savings deriving not only from the costs of ingredients but from Dossou’s methods: baking a cake that combines chai spices with roasted butternut squash in a shallow pan rather than a loaf pan, for example, saves energy (and cooking time). There’s no skimping on creativity, however: spiral pretzel rolls encase hot dogs, citrusy carrot jam is layered between carrot cake and cream cheese frosting, and soda bread incorporates canned sardines (and, in a waste-not-want-not touch, even uses the oil from the can). Recipes range from the traditional (including buttery palets Bretons) to the newfangled (microwaveable mug cakes), and Dossou puts a fresh twist even on the most familiar favorites: cinnamon rolls, for example, are made with brioche dough. A chapter on pastries features savory options, such as steak and bean pie in puff pastry, alongside the sweet, including a tart with raspberry curd and white chocolate ganache. Sensible instructions—and many suggested variations—are in keeping with the straightforward tone. These thoughtful tips and recipes will have budget-minded bakers eager to try them out. (Sept.)