cover image The Stricken

The Stricken

Morgan Shamy. CamCat, $19.99 (384p) ISBN 978-0-7443-0769-6

Clara has lived her whole life knowing that she was different from the other people in her town. Everyone around her is ruled by the Storm, a daily occurrence that stupefies and erases the memories of every inhabitant, except for Clara. Her solitary companion, an entity named Cael, exists only in her mind, until her teacher and classmates suddenly become cognizant of her apparent ability to avoid the consequences of the storm and try to kidnap her. To protect Clara, Cael assumes a shadow form and escorts her to Khalom, a magical realm. There, she begins recalling memories of the life Cael claims she once lived in Khalom; reconnects with her Center, or her special ability to command death, of which she is the final wielder; and learns that she is a Noble, born to protect Khalom from the Divining Masters, who send the Storm that feeds on the townspeople’s memories. Somewhat overwrought exposition and convoluted, undeveloped worldbuilding hamper the novel’s impact. Nevertheless, this intriguing read by Shamy (The Dollmaker, for adults) provides much in the way of unique and interesting concepts that turn many classic high-fantasy genre beats on their heads. Ages 13–up. Agent: Marisa Corvisiero, Corvisiero Literary. (Mar.)