cover image The Bounty Effect: 7 Steps to The Culture of Collaboration

The Bounty Effect: 7 Steps to The Culture of Collaboration

Evan Rosen. Red Ape, $29.95 hardcover (341p) ISBN 978-0-9774617-7-6

Our culture is changing in the way we live, work, and interact, yet most organizations today operate on a command and control mentality. In his book, Rosen, an internationally recognized collaboration and communication strategist, presents seven steps to establishing a collaborative culture within an organi-zation, moving away from the Industrial Age mentality to one better suited for the Information Age. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular step in establishing collaboration: Plan, People, Principles, Practices, Processes, Planet, and Payoff. Rosen also addresses eight common myths about collabora-tion that inhibit organizations from transforming their internal cultures in order to prosper in the In-formation Age. While many think that the bounty effect occurs mainly in organizations, Rosen argues that collaboration moves well beyond organizational boundaries, as it applies to neighborhoods, com-munities, and government. Collaboration creates greater value, enhances achievement, and produces sustainable business models; the question then becomes how quickly can an organization free itself from the Industrial Age and operate to its maximum capacity in the Information Age. Rosen reveals how organizations have been afraid to make the requisite changes and shows that there is a more fruit-ful path. (May)