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Stephen R. Stober. Stephen R. Stober Books, $2.99 e-book (294p) ISBN 978-0-9919567-1-5

The unnamed protagonist of this novel knows nothing of his own identity. He's a presence who moves from host to host, helping people through times of extreme duress and hardship before moving on again. This time, he finds himself in Boston, where his host is Jeremy Roberts, a successful businessman whose family was destroyed by the disappearance of his daughter, Jessie. As Jeremy, the narrator utilizes his photographic memory to restart the investigation into Jessie's disappearance, working to uncover a dark conspiracy before he must move on to his next host. Stober's thriller is engaging and his premise%E2%80%94which will remind readers of TV's Quantum Leap%E2%80%94is fascinating. Although some elements of the plot strain the bounds of credulity, tight prose and a winning concept make for an entertaining read.