cover image It’s Not Hysteria: Everything You Need to Know About Your Reproductive Health (But Were Never Told)

It’s Not Hysteria: Everything You Need to Know About Your Reproductive Health (But Were Never Told)

Karen Tang. Flatiron, $30.99 (384p) ISBN 978-1-250-89415-1

This first-rate debut from gynecologist Tang details the causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options for endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pelvic floor dysfunction, and other sexual and reproductive health conditions. For instance, Tang explains that fibroids—benign tumors that “form when cells in the muscular wall of the uterus start to multiply rapidly”—are more likely to occur in people with vitamin D deficiency, and are usually either surgically removed or treated with medications that suppress the hormones that stimulate fibroid growth. Tang debunks common misconceptions, as in the chapter on vulvovaginal conditions when she reports that contrary to the popular belief that panty liners should be used daily to absorb vaginal discharge, most doctors recommend against doing so because their overuse “can lead to irritation and infections.” The tone is compassionate throughout (“Anyone who isn’t satisfied deserves help in identifying and meeting personal sexual health goals, without fear or judgment,” Tang writes in a chapter on sexual dysfunction), and the in-depth coverage of gender-affirming care options distinguishes this from other health manuals that assume a cis readership. The result is a comprehensive resource for understanding gynecological health. (May)