cover image Masha and Her Sisters

Masha and Her Sisters

Suzy Ultman. Chronicle, $9.99 (10p) ISBN 978-1-4521-5159-5

The covers of this delightful board book are cut in the rounded shape of a matryoshka doll, and opening the book doesn’t disappoint: inside are five doll-shaped pages that flip downward to reveal the next, slightly larger “sister.” Each is named and briefly described—“Natasha is the storyteller,” “Olya is the chef”—and their bodies are decorated with objects that reflect their interests, such as pinecones, trees, and snowshoes for nature-loving Galya. (Fittingly, Masha, who encompasses her smaller siblings, is the “collector.”) Retro graphics and the nifty, well-executed concept will trigger smiles from readers young and old. Up to age 3. Agency: Lilla Rogers Studio. (Mar.)