cover image The Millionaire Master Plan: Your Personalized Path to Financial Success

The Millionaire Master Plan: Your Personalized Path to Financial Success

Roger James Hamilton. Hachette/Business Plus, $27 (288) ISBN 978-1-455-54923-8

Hamilton, founder of Entrepreneurs Institute, is the Tim Ferriss poster child, working from a resort in Bali. After career ups and downs in his 20s, Hamilton struck it rich, and here wants to guide readers through a color-coded “Millionaire Master Plan” designed to provide semipersonalized advice for achieving great wealth. All people have natural genius, he claims; it’s just a matter of identifying which type is yours. Readers are urged to first take the online Millionaire Master Plan Test to determine their personality type and the appropriate path through the “Wealth Lighthouse,” which covers the nine stages of life: Victim, Survivor, Worker, Player, Performer, Conductor, Trustee, Composer, and Legend. The four sides of the lighthouse are Dynamo (ideas smart), Blaze (people smart), Tempo (senses smart), and Steel (details smart). In a Choose Your Own Adventure–type format, which includes stories from his own life, Hamilton takes readers through the levels. The language is by turns encouraging and obscure: “In the nine steps up the Wealth Lighthouse, we move in a zigzag from freedom of choice to freedom of movement. We progress through personal value and personal leverage to social value and social leverage.” Though Hamilton’s story is inspiring, the Lighthouse pitch will be tough for most readers to take seriously. [em]Agent: Wendy Keller, Keller Media. (July) [/em]