cover image The Perfect Game

The Perfect Game

Leslie Dana Kirby. Poisoned Pen, $24.99 (340p) ISBN 978-1-4642-0177-6

Kirby, a practicing clinical psychologist, makes her debut with an exceptional mystery that reveals the dark side of the lucrative, glitzy world of professional baseball. When Lauren Rose, an emergency-medicine intern at Phoenix Good Samaritan Hospital, learns that her sister, Liz, has been murdered, she quickly becomes a suspect in the case. Liz’s handsome husband, Jake Wakefield, a pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks, is also implicated. Wakefield protests his innocence while striking up an inappropriate flirtation with Lauren, who makes matters even worse when the results of her police-ordered lie detector test are ruled inconclusive. The investigative work of two Scottsdale PD detectives ensures an arrest and courtroom trial. Both prosecution and defense introduce damning evidence, including surprise witnesses, deleted Internet searches, and video surveillance. Kirby elevates what could have been a straightforward court-case drama into a game of strategy and cunning that’s a cut above the rest. [em](Mar.) [/em]