cover image Zips and Eeloo Make Hummus (Zips and Eeloo #1)

Zips and Eeloo Make Hummus (Zips and Eeloo #1)

Leila Boukarim, illus. by Alex Lopez. Andrews McMeel, $11.99 (80p) ISBN 978-1-5248-8435-2

Plucky aliens Zips and Eeloo—who hail from the planet Zooglebeep (“not to be confused with Zoogleboop”)—embark on a culinary mission to demystify the art of hummus-making in this zippy graphic novel series launch. Tentacled orange cyclops Zips and green, crab-clawed Eeloo “have been on your blue planet FOR-EVER!” Though they both claim to be “certified human experts in all things human,” Zips—who’s been on Earth for five seconds longer than Eeloo, having exited their spaceship first—takes the lead in crafting the savory dip. Numerous missteps, bouts of kitchen mayhem, and interruptions from Eeloo try Zips’s patience until the two are forced to come together for some problem-solving or risk imperiling their delectable treat. Simple yet energetic dialogue by Boukarim (Hello Goodbye Little Island) combines with deliciously bright artwork from Lopez (LankyBox: Epic Adventure!), making the events of this goofy early reader graphic novel offering practically bounce off the page. It’s a warm and madcap meditation on teamwork, patience, and new experiences told through a comestible escapade starring cartoonish pseudo-siblings finding common ground in their love for chickpea paste. A “Very Human Hummus Recipe” concludes. Ages 6–10. [em](Feb.) [/em]