cover image F the Fairy Tale: Rewrite the Dating Myths and Live Your Own Love Story

F the Fairy Tale: Rewrite the Dating Myths and Live Your Own Love Story

Damona Hoffman. Seal, $29 (304p) ISBN 978-1-54-160225-0

According to this canny debut guide, today’s singles are hampered by beliefs that have become outdated in a technological age marked by increased choice, an expanded dating pool, and impersonal, round-the-clock communication. Among other myths, dating coach Hoffman debunks the idea that one must rely on an elusive “spark” for connection (readers should instead work on improving communication on- and offline), the tendency to seek a laundry list of ideal qualities in a potential match (it’s smarter to prioritize three must-haves and one dealbreaker), and the hope for one true soulmate, which “prevents us from moving into a fulfilling, committed relationship.” Offering plenty of useful nuts-and-bolts advice (including 10 “texting commandments” and tips for virtual dates), Hoffman strikes a tone that’s sympathetic but not patronizing. She reassures readers that “even if it feels like you’ll never meet your person, statistically speaking you probably will,” though it might “take a little longer than it took your parents or grandparents and your partnership may look different than theirs.” Those who’ve grown sick of aimlessly swiping will find hope. Agent: Joanna Volpe, New Leaf Literary. (Jan.)