cover image Mama Doc Medicine: Finding Calm and Confidence in Parenting, Child Health, and Work-Life Balance

Mama Doc Medicine: Finding Calm and Confidence in Parenting, Child Health, and Work-Life Balance

Wendy Sue Swanson, M.D. American Academy of Pediatrics (Perseus, dist.), $16.95 trade paper (375p) ISBN 978-1-58110-837-8

Pediatrician, mother of two, and “Seattle Mamma Doc” blogger Swanson combines some of her most popular blog posts with new information in this helpful guide for parents. Swanson has a busy pediatric clinic schedule, so she understands the struggle to balance family life and professional responsibilities. Arranged in four sections (“Prevention,” “Social-Emotional Support,” “Immunizations,” and “Work-Life Balance/Mothering”), her guide is practical as well as personal. Swanson shares her vulnerabilities and fears: admitting to “helicopter parent” tendencies, she frets about her baby’s soft spot, and panics at the thought of the bouncy house and a certain bike her son rides. In addition, she writes with candor about her (ultimately unfounded) doubts that she could love a second child as much as the first. Wearing her doctor hat (and partnering here with the AAP), Swanson devotes an entire section to defending immunizations; while recognizing parental concerns, she is a strong proponent of their use. She supports technology and encourages parents to seek information online, from reputable sources. Parents looking for current research as well as friendly advice will appreciate Swanson’s centered approach to doctoring and parenting. (Mar.)